Rincon Family Pictures

Bernard family in Tierra Blanca. The man with the long white beard sitting in the exact center of the group is Pierre Bernard Robardet.  The woman sitting next to him on the left is Maria Carillo, his wife, and mother of Victoria Bernard Rincon, who is sitting to Maria's left with a baby (Gabriel Rincon) on her lap.

Maria Carillo and Pierre Bernard Robardet

Pedro Rincon picture taken when Julio and Kate Rincon visited Xalapa.

Pierre Bernard Robardet

Rincon Family in Xalapa.  From left to right, Gloria Rincon Balls, Victoria Bernard Rincon, Pedro Rincon, Pedro Bernard Rincon, Victoria Rincon Sneddon, Rosa Rincon Mather, Gabriel Bernard Rincon

Thomas Rincon, father of Pedro Rincon

Victoria Bernard Rincon and Pedro Rincon

Pierre Bernard Robardet

Pedro Rincon is the man on the far right

Victoria Bernard Rincon and Pedro Rincon 1989